Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
(Spring 2023)
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- May 18, 2023: Check Your Scores Page ALL PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS
Lecture Material
Mon and Wed at 3pm-4:30pm
in 26-100 with
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Office Hours
(get a spot via the Help Queue)
OH start Tuesday the first week
Monday-Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday 9am-5pm
This Week's Pset
Recitation Schedule
10am in 5-134
11am in 5-134
1pm in 5-134
2pm in 5-134
Recitation Feedback Form
Calendar and Materials 6.100B - Spring 2023
4/3: Lecture 1 zip
Course introduction. Optimization and knapsack problems
Lec1 Finger Ex. out
PS 0 out
PS 1 out
Readings: Ch 14.1, Ch 5.4
4/5: Lecture 2 zip
Dynamic programming (incl. tabular method) Pseudo polynomial complexity
No L2 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 15, Ch 5.3.2
Microquiz 0
(testing microquiz mechanics, not for points, take it on your own between 4:30pm and 9:30pm)
4/7: Recitation 1 notes
PS 0 due at 9PM
(No checkoff for PS 0)
4/10: Lecture 3 zip
Graphs, shortest path problems, DFS and BFS, all paths.
Lec3 Finger Ex. out
Lec1 Finger Ex. due
PS 2 out
Readings: Ch 14.2
Last Day We Accept Adds
4/12: Lecture 4 zip
Stochastic thinking, probability, simulation
No L4 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 17.1-17.4
Microquiz 1
(30 minutes at the end of class)
4/17: Patriot's Day
No Class or OH
PS 2 due at 9PM
4/21: Recitation 3 notes
PS 2 Checkoffs start
PS 1 Checkoff due at 5PM
4/24: Lecture 6 zip
Monte Carlo Methods, variance, confidence intervals, roulette, pi
PS 4 out
No L6 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 18, Ch 19
4/26: Lecture 7 zip
Epidemiology simulation
Microquiz 2
(30 minutes at the end of class)
Lec7 Finger Ex. out
Lec5 Finger Ex. due
PS 3 due at 9PM
4/28: Recitation 4 notes
PS 3 Checkoffs start
PS 2 Checkoff due at 5PM
5/1: Lecture 8 zip
Distributions, CLT, sampling, standard error
Lec8 Finger Ex. out
PS 5 out
Readings: Ch 17.4-end, 19
5/3: Lecture 9 zip
Curve fitting, linear regression, R**2, overfitting, choosing a degree, training and test sets
No L9 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 20
Microquiz 3
(30 minutes at the end of class)
Lec7 Finger Ex. due
PS 4 due at 9PM
5/5: Recitation 5 notes
PS 4 Checkoffs start
PS 3 Checkoff due at 5PM
5/8: Lecture 10 zip
Intro to ML. Distance metrics, hierarchical clustering, K-means clustering
Lec10 Finger Ex. out
Lec8 Finger Ex. due
Readings: Ch 24, Ch 25
5/10: Lecture 11 zip
Microquiz during class time
No L11 Finger Ex.
Readings: none
Microquiz 4
(45 minutes at the beginning of class)
5/12: Recitation 6 notes
PS 4 Checkoff due at 5PM
5/15: Lecture 12 zip
Classification, evaluating classifiers, KNN
Lec10 Finger Ex. due
PS 5 due at 9PM
(No checkoff for PS 5)
No L12 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 26.1-26.7
No OH today or after