Problem Set 0: Introduction & Installation

The questions below are due on Wednesday April 07, 2021; 09:00:00 PM.
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  • If you finished 6.0001 this semester, you do not need to complete this pset.
  • Complete the pset buddies section no matter whether or not you finished 6.0001 this semester.

Download Files
Background Survey

What is your Grade Level?

What is your (first) major? If freshman, choose "Freshman".

What is your second major? If not double majoring or undecided, do not answer this question.

Approximate Lines of Code written before enrolling in 6.0001

Prior Programming Experience?

Why did you enroll in 6.0001?

Select all of the resources that you are aware of or have used to help learn how to program.

What timezone are you in, relative to EST?

Pset Buddy

Do you want to sign up for Pset buddies? Each week you will get assigned a new person to collaborate with on the pset. You and your buddy will be matched based on timezone/experience/class year, and may collaborate on the pset as much as you wish, without penalty for similar code. You can change your options for each pset, up until 9pm the night before the pset is released. For more information, and to sign up for a buddy, please go to Buddy Sign Ups.

Class Info Assessment

Which of the following count towards your grade?

When are problem sets due?

When are mandatory finger exercises due?

Microquizzes are in the last 30-45 minutes of 4 specific lectures outlined in the calendar. What happens if you cannot make it to a microquiz?

You are working with a friend (not your assigned pset buddy) on the problem set. Your friend tells you to use a specific kind of loop to solve a part. Is this a collaboration violation?

You are stuck debugging the problem set. Your friend (not your assigned pset buddy) already finished but they can't stay to help you anymore, so they email you the code. You look over the part you are stuck but write up your own code. Is this a collaboration violation?

Introduction to Python & Spyder

This problem set will introduce you to the programming environment Spyder from the Anaconda Distribution of Python, and to programming in Python, as well as to our general problem set structure. In this problem set, you will confirm your installation of Python, write a simple Python program, and hand it in. Be sure to read this problem set thoroughly, especially the Collaboration and Hand-in Procedure sections.


You may work with other students. However, each student should write up and hand in his or her assignment separately. Be sure to indicate with whom you have worked in the comments of your submission.

Installing Python & Spyder

Follow the steps in the Getting Started handout for installing the Anaconda distribution of Python and Spyder onto the machine you plan to be using this term. The numpy and matplotlib packages, which will be used primarily in 6.0002, should come with the installation. Familiarize yourself with Python and Spyder using the exercises given in the handout.

This class uses Python version 3.0 or higher.

When you first start using your system, make sure that the version number displayed is 3.0 or higher. Python 3 is not backwards compatible with versions starting with 2.x.