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Problem Set 0

The questions below are due on Friday February 07, 2020; 05:00:00 PM.
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Download Files
First answer the following questions in Part "1) Background Survey" and Part "2) Class Info Assessment". **Instuctions on how to complete Part "3) Submission" of problem set are included in the *Getting_Started.pdf* file in the downloaded folder**.

1) Background Survey

What is your Grade Level?
Graduate Student (Non MBA)
MBA Student

Approximate Lines of Code written before enrolling in 6.0001

Prior Programming Experience?
AP Computer Science
Online coding course (code academy, etc.)
Programming Experience in language other than Python
Programming Experience in Python
Watched or Participated in Programming course in OCW or edX
College course using programming language other than Python
College course using Python

Why did you enroll in 6.0001?
To Learn how to Program
To Fulfill a Course Requirement
To Get a Good Grade

Select all of the resources that you are aware of or have used to help learn how to program.
Online coding courses
Stack Overflow
Friends that know how to program

2) Class Info Assessment

Which of the following count towards your grade?
problem sets
mandatory exercises on MITx
optional exercises on MITx
lecture attendance and participation
recitation attendance and participation

When are problem sets due?
every Monday
every Wednesday
depends on the pset, check the calendar

When are mandatory MITx exercises due?
generally available with the pset, and due with the pset
generally available with a lecture, and due by the beginning of next lecture
no deadline per exercise, but must do them all by the end of the course

Microquizzes are in the last 20 minutes of 3 specific lectures outlined in the calendar. What happens if you can’t make it to a microquiz?
Email S^3 and post to the 6.0001+2 forum to schedule a conflict microquiz
Conflict microquizzes are not given, but you drop that quiz since the best 2 out of 3 are counted

You are working with a friend on the problem set. Your friend tells you to use a specific kind of loop to solve a part. Is this a collaboration violation?
Yes for you and the friend
Yes only for the friend
Yes only for you

You are stuck debugging the problem set. The friend already finished but they can’t stay to help you anymore, so they email you the code. You look over the part you are stuck but write up your own code. Is this a collaboration violation?
Yes for you and the friend
Yes only for the friend
Yes only for you

3) Submission

After you completed the steps in the files "Getting Started" and "Problem Set 0" from the downloaded files at the top of this page, upload your file here. You may upload new versions of each file until the 5PM deadline, but anything uploaded after that time will be counted towards your late days, if you have any remaining. If you have no remaining late days, you will receive no credit for a late submission.

When you upload a new file with the same name, your old one will be overwritten.

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