Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
(Fall 2024)

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Mon and Wed
3–4:30 pm in 26-100
(No lecture recordings will be available!)
Slides and Code
In calendar below


Fridays (and optional)
10 am in 1-190
11 am in 2-190
1 pm in 6-120
Recitation feedback form

This Week's Pset

Finished with 6.100B Psets!

Office Hours

Checkoff sign-up sheet
In 38-370
Mon–Thu: 11 am–9 pm
(Closed during MW 3–5 pm)
Fri: 11 am–5 pm
Instructor OH: Thu 1:30–2:30pm in 38-648

Calendar and Materials 6.100B – Fall 2024

View 6.100A Calendar

10/28: Lecture 1
Admin and overview, optimization, knapsack problems
Readings: Ch 14.1
Lec 1 Finger Ex. out Pset 1 out
10/30: Lecture 2
Complementary knapsack, dynamic programming, memo vs tabular method, pseudo-polynomial complexity
Readings: Ch 15
No Lec 2 Finger Ex.
Microquiz 0 not graded, demonstrates microquiz mechanics, available during 4:30-9:30PM
11/1: Recitation 1 Pset 0 due at 10PM No checkoff for Pset 0 Add deadline for half-semester subjects
11/4: Lecture 3
Graphs, shortest-path problems, depth-first and breadth-first search
Readings: Ch 14.2
Microquiz 1 25 minutes at the end of class
Lec 1 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 3 Finger Ex. out Pset 2 out
11/6: Lecture 4
Weighted shortest-path using Dijkstra’s, other graph problems
Readings: None
No Lec 4 Finger Ex.
11/8: Recitation 2 Pset 1 Checkoffs start
11/11: Holiday No Class or OH
11/13: Lecture 5
Stochastic thinking, simulation, random walks
Readings: Ch 16, 17.1
Lec 5 Finger Ex. out Pset 3 out
11/15: Recitation 3 Pset 2 Checkoffs start Pset 1 Checkoff due at 5PM
11/18: Lecture 6
Simulating the ideal gas law, probability
Readings: Ch 17.2
Microquiz 2 25 minutes at the end of class
No Lec 6 Finger Ex.
11/20: Lecture 7
Monte Carlo simulation, roulette, estimating pi, integration, distributions, variance, empirical rule, confidence intervals
Readings: Ch 18, 17.3-17.4
Lec 5 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 7 Finger Ex. out Pset 4 out
11/22: Recitation 4 Pset 3 Checkoffs start Pset 2 Checkoff due at 5PM
11/25: Lecture 8
Curve-fitting, linear regression, R^2, overfitting, choosing a degree
Readings: Ch 20
Microquiz 3 25 minutes at the end of class
No Lec 8 Finger Ex.
11/27 Lec 7 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Pset 5 out No class or office hours, Drop deadline for half-semester subjects
11/28: Holiday No Class or OH
11/29: Holiday No Class or OH
12/2: Lecture 9
Sampling, standard error, Central Limit Theorem, statistical fallacies
Readings: Ch 19
No Lec 9 Finger Ex. Pset 3 Checkoff due at 9PM Pset 4 due at 10PM
12/3 Pset 4 Checkoffs start
12/4: Lecture 10
Readings: None
Microquiz 4 45 minutes at the end of class
12/5 Pset 5 Checkoffs start
12/6: Recitation 5 Lec 10 Finger Ex. out Pset 4 Checkoff due at 5PM Pset 5 due at 10PM
12/9: Lecture 11
(Optional) Preview of machine learning, statistical fallacies
Readings: Ch 22
No Lec 11 Finger Ex.
12/11: Lecture 12
(Optional) Open feedback session
Readings: None
Lec 10 Finger Ex. due at 11PM No Lec 12 Finger Ex. Pset 5 Checkoff due at 9PM