Some Sample Exam Questions

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  • These questions are here to give you a sense for how to use the code graders. They do not indicate the difficulty of a complete exam.

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Question 1. Which of the following are True? Check all that apply.
1-1. Suppose x = "pi" and y = "pie". The line of code x, y = y, x will swap the values of x and y, resulting in x = "pie" and y = "pi".
1-2. Suppose x is an integer in the following code:
def f(x):
while x > 3:

For any value of x, all calls to f are guaranteed to never terminate.
1-3. A Python program always executes every line of code written at least once.
1-4. Suppose you have two different functions that each assign a variable called x. Modifying x in one function means you always modify x in the other function for any x.
1-51. The following code will enter an infinite loop for all values of i and j.
while i >= 0:
while j >= 0:
print(i, j)
1-6. It is always possible and feasible for a programmer to come up with test cases that run through every possible path in a program.
1-7. Assume f() is defined. In the statement a = f(), a is always a function.
1-8. A program that keeps running and does not stop is an example of a syntax error.
1-9. Consider the following function.
def f(x):
a = []
while x > 0:

A new object of type list is created for each recursive invocation of f.
1-10. A tuple can contain a list as an element.
1-11. In the statement L = [1,2,3], L is a class.
1-12. The orders of growth of Θ(n^2+1) and Θ(n^5+1) are both polynomial.
1-13. The complexity of binary search on a sorted list of n items is Θ(\log n).
1-14. A bisection search algorithm always returns the correct answer when searching for an element in a sorted list.
1-15. Performing binary search on an unsorted list will always return the correct answer in Θ(n) time where n is the length of the list.

Question 2. Consider the function f below. What is its Big Θ complexity?
def f(n):
    def g(m):
        m = 0
        for i in range(m):
    for i in range(n):
2-1. Θ(1)
2-2. Θ(log(n))
2-3. Θ(n)
2-4. Θ(n^2)

Question 3. Consider the following two functions and select the correct choice below.
def foo_one(n):
    """ Assume n is an int >= 0 """
    answer = 1.0
    while n > 1:
        answer *= n
        n -= 1
    return answer

def foo_two(n):
    """ Assume n is an int >= 0 """
    if n <= 1: 
        return 1.0
        return n*foo_two(n-1)
3-1. The worst case Big Θ time complexity of foo_one is worse than the worst case Big Θ time complexity of foo_two.
3-2. The worst case Big Θ time complexity of foo_two is worse than the worst case Big Θ time complexity of foo_one.
3-3. The worst case Big Θ time complexity of foo_one and foo_two are the same.
3-4. Impossible to compare the worst case Big Θ time complexities of the two functions.

Question 4 Numbers in Mandarin follow 3 simple rules.

  • There are words for each of the digits from 0 to 10.
  • For numbers 11-19, the number is pronounced as "ten digit", so for example, 16 would be pronounced (using Mandarin) as "ten six".
  • For numbers between 20 and 99, the number is pronounced as "digit ten digit", so for example, 37 would be pronounced (using Mandarin) as "three ten seven". If the digit is a zero, it is not included.

Here is a simple Python dictionary that captures the numbers between 0 and 10.
trans = {'0':'ling', '1':'yi', '2':'er', '3':'san', '4': 'si','5':'wu', '6':'liu', '7':'qi', '8':'ba', '9':'jiu', '10': 'shi'}

We want to write a procedure that converts an American number (between 0 and 99), written as a string, into the equivalent Mandarin.
def convert_to_mandarin(us_num):
    """ us_num, a string representing a US number 0 to 99
    Returns the string mandarin representation of us_num
    # your code here

# Example Usage
convert_to_mandarin('36') will return san shi liu
convert_to_mandarin('20') will return er shi
convert_to_mandarin('16') will return shi liu

Question 5 You are given the following definitions:

  • A run of monotonically increasing numbers means that a number at position k+1 in the sequence is greater than or equal to the number at position k in the sequence.
  • A run of monotonically decreasing numbers means that a number at position k+1 in the sequence is less than or equal to the number at position k in the sequence.

Implement a function that meets the specifications below.
def longest_run(L):
    Assumes L is a list of integers containing at least 2 elements.
    Finds the longest run of numbers in L, where the longest run can
    either be monotonically increasing or monotonically decreasing. 
    In case of a tie for the longest run, choose the longest run 
    that occurs first.
    Does not modify the list.
    Returns the sum of the longest run. 
    # Your code here

For example:
  • If L = [10, 4, 3, 8, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 2] then the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers in L is [3, 4, 5, 7, 7] and the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers in L is [10, 4, 3]. Your function should return the value 26 because the longest run of monotonically increasing integers is longer than the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers.
  • If L = [5, 4, 10] then the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers in L is [4, 10] and the longest run of monotonically decreasing numbers in L is [5, 4]. Your function should return the value 9 because the longest run of monotonically decreasing integers occurs before the longest run of monotonically increasing numbers.

Question 6 Write a function that meets the specifications below. For example, general_poly([1, 2, 3, 4])(10) should evaluate to 1234 because 1*10^3+2*10^2+3*10^1+4*10^0. So in the example the function only takes one argument with general_poly([1, 2, 3, 4]) and it returns a function that you can apply to a value, in this case x = 10 with general_poly([1, 2, 3, 4])(10).
def general_poly(L):
    """ L, a list of numbers (n0, n1, n2, ... nk)
    Returns a function, which when applied to a value x, returns the value: 
    n0 * x**k + n1 * x**(k-1) + ... nk * x**0 """

Question 7 Implement a function that meets the specifications below.
def closest_power(base, num):
    """ base: base of the exponential, integer > 1
        num: number you want to be closest to, integer > 0
    Find the integer exponent such that base**exponent is closest to num.
    Note that the base**exponent may be either greater or smaller than num.
    In case of a tie, return the smaller value.
    Returns the exponent.
    # Your code here
For example,

closest_power(3,12) returns 2
closest_power(4,12) returns 2
closest_power(4,1) returns 0

Question 8 Implement a function that meets the specifications below.
def deep_reverse(L):
    """ assumes L is a list of lists whose elements are ints
    Mutates L such that it reverses its elements and also 
    reverses the order of the int elements in every element of L. 
    It does not return anything.
    # Your code here

# For example:
La = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] 
print(La)  # mutates La to be [[7, 6, 5], [4, 3], [2, 1]]

Question 9 Assume you are given two dictionaries d1 and d2, each with integer keys and integer values. You are also given a function f, that takes in two integers, performs an unknown operation on them, and returns a value.
Write a function called dict_interdiff that takes in two dictionaries (d1 and d2). The function will return a tuple of two dictionaries: a dictionary of the intersect of d1 and d2 and a dictionary of the difference of d1 and d2, calculated as follows:

  • intersect: The keys to the intersect dictionary are keys that are common in both d1 and d2. To get the values of the intersect dictionary, look at the common keys in d1 and d2 and apply the function f to these keys' values -- the value of the common key in d1 is the first parameter to the function and the value of the common key in d2 is the second parameter to the function. Do not implement f inside your dict_interdiff code -- assume it is defined outside.
  • difference: a key-value pair in the difference dictionary is (a) every key-value pair in d1 whose key appears only in d1 and not in d2 or (b) every key-value pair in d2 whose key appears only in d2 and not in d1.

Here are two examples:
  • If f(a, b) returns a + b
    d1 = {1:30, 2:20, 3:30, 5:80}
    d2 = {1:40, 2:50, 3:60, 4:70, 6:90}
    then dict_interdiff(d1, d2) returns ({1: 70, 2: 70, 3: 90}, {4: 70, 5: 80, 6: 90})
  • If f(a, b) returns a > b
    d1 = {1:30, 2:20, 3:30}
    d2 = {1:40, 2:50, 3:60}
    then dict_interdiff(d1, d2) returns ({1: False, 2: False, 3: False}, {})

def dict_interdiff(d1, d2):
    d1, d2: dicts whose keys and values are integers
    Returns a tuple of dictionaries according to the instructions above
    # Your code here

Question 10 Write a function that meets the following specifications.
def applyF_filterG(L, f, g):
    Assumes L is a list of integers
    Assume functions f and g are defined for you. 
    f takes in an integer, applies a function, returns another integer 
    g takes in an integer, applies a Boolean function, 
        returns either True or False
    Mutates L such that, for each element i originally in L, L contains  
        i if g(f(i)) returns True, and no other elements
    Returns the largest element in the mutated L or -1 if the list is empty
    # Your code here

# For example:
def f(i):
    return i + 2
def g(i):
    return i > 5

L = [0, -10, 5, 6, -4]
print(applyF_filterG(L, f, g))   # prints 6
print(L)  # prints [5, 6]

Question 11 Write a function to flatten a list. The list contains other lists, strings, or ints. For example, [[1,'a',['cat'],2],[[[3]],'dog'],4,5] is flattened into [1,'a','cat',2,3,'dog',4,5] (order matters).
def flatten(aList):
    aList: a list 
    Returns a copy of aList, which is a flattened version of aList  """
    # Your code here

Question 12 Write a class USResident that meets the following specifications.
class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        #create a person with name name = name
            firstBlank = name.rindex(' ')
            self.lastName = name[firstBlank+1:]
            self.lastName = name
        self.age = None
    def getLastName(self):
        #return self's last name
        return self.lastName
    def setAge(self, age):
        #assumes age is an int greater than 0
        #sets self's age to age (in years)
        self.age = age
    def getAge(self):
        #assumes that self's age has been set
        #returns self's current age in years
        if self.age == None:
            raise ValueError
        return self.age
    def __lt__(self, other):
        #return True if self's name is lexicographically less
        #than other's name, and False otherwise
        if self.lastName == other.lastName:
            return <
        return self.lastName < other.lastName
    def __str__(self):
        #return self's name
class USResident(Person):
    A Person who resides in the US.
    def __init__(self, name, status):
        Initializes a Person object. A USResident object inherits 
        from Person and has one additional attribute:
        status: a string, one of "citizen", "legal_resident", "illegal_resident"
        Raises a ValueError if status is not one of those 3 strings
        # Write your code here
    def getStatus(self):
        Returns the status
        # Write your code here

# For example:
a = USResident('Tim Beaver', 'citizen')
print(a.getStatus())    # prints citizen
b = USResident('Tim Horton', 'non-resident')  # will show that a ValueError was raised


Question 13 Part 1 Consider the following hierarchy of classes:
class Person(object):     
    def __init__(self, name):         = name     
    def say(self, stuff):         
        return + ' says: ' + stuff     
    def __str__(self):         

class Lecturer(Person):     
    def lecture(self, stuff):         
        return 'I believe that ' + Person.say(self, stuff)  

class Professor(Lecturer): 
    def say(self, stuff): 
        return + ' says: ' + self.lecture(stuff)

class ArrogantProfessor(Professor): 
    def say(self, stuff): 
        return 'It is obvious that ' + self.say(stuff)

As written, this code leads to an infinite loop when using the Arrogant Professor class. Change the definition of ArrogantProfessor so that the following behavior is achieved:
e = Person('eric') 
le = Lecturer('eric') 
pe = Professor('eric') 
ae = ArrogantProfessor('eric')

>>> e.say('the sky is blue')
eric says: the sky is blue

>>> le.say('the sky is blue')
eric says: the sky is blue

>>> le.lecture('the sky is blue')
I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

>>> pe.say('the sky is blue')
eric says: I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

>>> pe.lecture('the sky is blue')
I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

>>> ae.say('the sky is blue')
eric says: It is obvious that eric says: the sky is blue

>>> ae.lecture('the sky is blue')
It is obvious that eric says: the sky is blue

Paste ONLY ArrogantProfessor in the box.

Question 13 Part 2 You change your mind, and now want the behavior as described in Part 1, except that you want:
>> ae.say('the sky is blue')
eric says: It is obvious that I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

>>> ae.lecture('the sky is blue')
It is obvious that I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

Change the definition of ArrogantProfessor so that the behavior described above is achieved. Paste ONLY ArrogantProfessor in the box.

Question 13 Part 3 You change your mind once more. You want to keep the behavior from Part 2, but now you would like:
>>> pe.say('the sky is blue')
Prof. eric says: I believe that eric says: the sky is blue 

>>> ae.say('the sky is blue')
Prof. eric says: It is obvious that I believe that eric says: the sky is blue 

Change the Professor class definition in order to achieve this. You may have to modify your implmentation for a previous part to get this to work. Paste ONLY the Professor class in the box below.

[Optional] Please use this box to list any assumptions or confusions that came up during the quiz for each question, if any.