Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python
(Spring 2025)

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Mon and Wed
3-4:30pm in 26-100
(No recordings available)
Slides and Code
In calendar below


Fridays (and optional)
10 am in 5-134
11 am in 5-134
1 pm in 5-134
Recitation feedback form

This Week's Pset

Finished with 6.100A Psets!

Office Hours

In 38-370
Start Feb 6
Mon–Thu: 11am - 9pm
(Closed during MW 3-5pm)
Fri: 11am - 5pm

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Calendar and Materials 6.100A – Spring 2025

View 6.100B Calendar

2/3: Lecture 1
Overview and intro, objects and types, variables
Readings: Ch 1, 2.1, 2.4
Lec 1 Finger Ex. out Pset 0 out Pset 1 out
2/5: Lecture 2
String operations, conditionals, loops, enumeration
Readings: Ch 2.3, 2.5-2.7, 5.2, 3.1
Lec 1 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 2 Finger Ex. out
Microquiz 0 not graded, demonstrates microquiz mechanics, available during 4:30-9:30PM
2/7: Recitation 1 Pset 2 out Pset 0 due at 10PM No checkoff for Pset 0
2/10: Lecture 3
Floats, approximation, bisection search
Readings: Ch 3.2-3.4
Microquiz 1 25 minutes at the end of class
Lec 2 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 3 Finger Ex. out Pset 1 due at 10PM
2/11 Pset 1 Checkoffs start
2/12: Lecture 4
Decomposition and abstraction, functions, scope
Readings: Ch 4.1-4.3
Lec 3 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 4 Finger Ex. out
2/14: Recitation 2 Pset 3 out Last day to add 6.100A or switch to 6.100L
2/17: Holiday No Class or OH
2/18: Lecture 5
Tuples, lists, mutation, aliasing
Readings: Ch 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
Lec 4 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 5 Finger Ex. out Pset 1 Checkoff due at 8PM Pset 2 due at 10PM
2/19: Lecture 6
Exceptions, testing
Readings: Ch 9, 8.1
Microquiz 2 25 minutes at the end of class
Lec 5 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 6 Finger Ex. out Pset 2 Checkoffs start
2/21: Recitation 3 Pset 4 out
2/24: Lecture 7
Debugging, dictionaries
Readings: Ch 8.2, 5.7
Lec 6 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 7 Finger Ex. out Pset 3 due at 10PM
2/25 Pset 3 Checkoffs start
2/26: Lecture 8
Function objects, comprehension, recursion
Readings: Ch 4.4, 5.4, 5.3.2, 5.8, 6
Lec 7 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 8 Finger Ex. out Pset 2 Checkoff due at 8PM
2/28: Recitation 4 Pset 5 out
3/3: Lecture 9
Data abstraction, classes, attributes and methods
Readings: Ch 10.1, 4.5
Microquiz 3 25 minutes at the end of class
Lec 8 Finger Ex. due at 3PM Lec 9 Finger Ex. out Pset 4 due at 10PM
3/4 Pset 4 Checkoffs start Pset 3 Checkoff due at 8PM
3/5: Lecture 10
Inheritance, class attributes
Readings: Ch 10.2, 10.4
No Lec 10 Finger Ex.
3/7: Recitation 5 Drop deadline
3/10: Lecture 11
Program timing, complexity
Readings: Ch 11.1-11.2
Lec 9 Finger Ex. due at 3PM No Lec 11 Finger Ex. Pset 5 due at 10PM
3/11 Pset 5 Checkoffs start Pset 4 Checkoff due at 8PM
3/12: Lecture 12
Complexity classes, sorting algorithms
Readings: Ch 11.3, 12.1-12.2
No Lec 12 Finger Ex.
3/14: Recitation 6
3/17: Lecture 13
Amortization, hashing, wrap-up
Readings: 12.3
No Lec 13 Finger Ex. Review Slides (posted soon) Review Session (7:30pm in 34-101)
3/18 Pset 5 Checkoff due at 8PM
3/19: Lecture 14
Final Exam in-class
Readings: none
FINAL EXAM 80 minutes, full class time in 26-100
No Lec 14 Finger Ex.
3/20 No OH
3/21 No OH
3/24: Spring Break No Class or OH
3/25: Spring Break No Class or OH
3/26: Spring Break No Class or OH
3/27: Spring Break No Class or OH
3/28: Spring Break No Class or OH