Introduction to CS and Programming using Python
(Spring 2021)
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Lecture Material
at 3pm-4:30pm Boston time
<text style="font-size:20px"><b>Slides in Calendar below</b><br/>under Lecture # link</text><br/>
<text style="font-size:20px"><b>Recorded lectures in Calendar</b><br/> after regular lecture time</text>
Office Hours
Friday 11am-5pm
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This Week's Pset
Recitation Schedule
Fridays at: 10am, 11am, 1pm
<a href="">Recitation Feedback Form</a>
Calendar and Materials 6.0001 - Spring 2021
All course announcements are on -> Stellar linked here <-
PS 0 out
2/17: Lecture 1
Admin and overview, what is computation, intro to programming languages and Python, assignment, types (int, float, str), objects, branching, indentation
Lec1 Finger Ex. out
PS 1 out
Readings: Ch 1, Ch 2.1-2.3
PS 0 due at 9PM
(No checkoff for PS 0)
2/22: Lecture 2
Iteration (while loops, basic for loops with range), guess and check algorithms, Strings (insertion, deletion)
Readings: Ch 2.4-2.8, 3.1
Microquiz 0
(30 minutes within a 14 hour time period)
Lec2 Finger Ex. out
Lec1 Finger Ex. due
2/24: Lecture 3
Floating point, approximate solutions, bisection methods
Readings: Ch 3.2-3.5
Microquiz 1
(30 minutes within a 14 hour time period)
Lec3 Finger Ex. out
Lec2 Finger Ex. due
2/26: Recitation 1
Last day to add 6.0001
3/1: Lecture 4
Decomposition, abstraction, functions, scope, tuples, lists
Lec4 Finger Ex. out
Lec3 Finger Ex. due
PS 2 out
PS 1 due at 9PM
Readings: Ch 4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.3
PS 1 Checkoffs start
3/3: Lecture 5
Mutability, aliasing, for loops over sequences, exceptions, assertions
Readings: Ch 5.3-5.5, 9
Microquiz 2
(30 minutes within a 14 hour time period)
Lec5 Finger Ex. out
Lec4 Finger Ex. due
3/5: Recitation 2
3/8: Student holiday
No Class or OH
3/9: Lecture 6
Dictionaries, functions as objects, recursion
Lec6 Finger Ex. out
Lec5 Finger Ex. due
PS 3 out
PS 2 due at 11PM
PS 1 Checkoff due
Readings: Ch 4.4, 5.7, 6
3/10: Lecture 7
Data abstraction, start classes, subtyping, substitution rule
PS 2 Checkoffs start
No L7 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 10.1
Microquiz 3
(30 minutes within a 14 hour time period)
Lec6 Finger Ex. due
3/12: Recitation 3
3/15: Lecture 8
Inheritance, extended example using classes, class attributes
Lec8 Finger Ex. out
PS 4 out
PS 4 Checkoffs start(after code submitted)
Readings: Ch 10.2-10.5
PS 3 due at 9PM
3/17: Lecture 9
Introduce algorithm analysis, implementing lists using indirection
PS 3 Checkoffs start
PS 2 Checkoff due
No L9 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 11
Microquiz 4
(45 minutes within a 14 hour time period)
Lec8 Finger Ex. due
3/19: Recitation 4
6.0001 drop deadline
3/22: Student holiday
No Class or OH
3/23: Student holiday
PS 5 out
No Class or OH
3/24: Lecture 10
Binary search, selection sort, merge sort, amortized analysis
PS 4 due at 9PM
No L10 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 12.1,12.2
PS 3 Checkoff due
3/29: Lecture 11
Hashing and Plotting (not necessary for 6.0001, but necessary for 6.0002)
No L11 Finger Ex.
Readings: Ch 12.3, Ch 13